Laboratory Division

Regular tips

Regular tips 10 µL

Qualitix Regular Tip   3090.0010   10 Ul   31.4mm Socorex

Ordering information

Compatibility chart

Superior pipette tips cover a range between 0.1 µL and 20 µL. Optimal tightness fitting on Socorex® pipettes and broad compatibility with other brands. All models autoclavable. Available in bags, racks, sterile and non-sterile.

Regular tips : common use in daily pipetting with Socorex® and other pipette brands.

20 µL microtips : easy access into narrow, deep tubes while limiting contact with tube wall. 

Intended for easy rack loading. Filled trays are instantly transferred into a rack without risk of contamination. Smart re-closable tipfillTM box reduces storage space, waste volume and shipping costs. Tips are autoclavable when placed in a rack. See ordering information for details.

Qualitix® Regular tips 

Purity Benefits

Feature Advantage Regular tips Low binding tips Filter tips
Nuclease-free (DNase and RNase) Safe handling of samples containing genetic material
Human DNA-free bioproof purity level for any critical pipetting (PCR, qPCR)    
Pyrogen-free Recommended in cell culture laboratories
ATP-free (Adenosin Triphosphate) Beneficial in accurate measurement of cells or bacteria activity
Heavy metal-free Adequate for trace analysis
Protease-free Protection of valuable samples containing peptides and proteins  
Sterility Preserve sample integrity  1
1 1
  1 Sterile items only.


  • QTX.002 Superior Quality LAB QTX.002 Superior Quality LAB
    Superior quality
  • 300 Environmental Aspect LAB 300 Environmental Aspect LAB
    Environmental aspects
  • QTX.001 Compatibility With Other Pipettes And Brands LAB QTX.001 Compatibility With Other Pipettes And Brands LAB
    Compatibility with other pipettes brands

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